How to hack facebook in cybercafe in 10 mints?
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Facebook Hacked |
A lot of people have been asking for how to hack Facebook? Last time i post about a new tool that can hack facebook account but it work reverse instead of it hack your account. So i m trying to post all method i know about hacking. So in this tutorial i m going to taking advantage of LAN OR WLAN (local Area Network or wireless area network). When you went to a cyber cafe you found LAN connected computer and many user surfing facebook on these computer... that my mind say aha hacking ! so its your time to done that.
Well this is the tutorial that will let you hack not just facebook but any site on your local wifi/LAN.
Download these following software:
Cain and abel
Wireshark :
Web developer add-on for firefox :
How to hack any account using WLAN/LAN in cybercafe?
So what exactly happens when you type in Facebook and login with your username and password. First download the web developer addon for firefox and then login to facebook. After you log in view the cookies in the web developer toolbar,

Ok now if you click on view cookie information, you will be able to see all the cookies which facebook has transmitted to your browser.
The main cookies are the c_user cookie (which identifies a person uniquely) and data cookie..
So your aim must be to get the cookies of your victim through wireshark and then replace your cookies with the victim’s. So then, facebook will think you are the victim as you have his cookies and you will be logged in as the victim. Simple isn’t it?
So how do you do this..
Tutorial How to hack facebook via LAN (Man in middle)?
Step 1- First of all install cain and abel. It will ask you whether you want to install the packet driver – WinPCap. Go ahead and install that also.Open up cain.
Click on configure on top and select your Network card. Mostly its the one with an IP address.
Step 2- Next click on the start/stop sniffer on top as shown below in green square.
Once you start the sniffer, goto the sniffer tab in cain, right-click and click scan mac address as shown below!

Ok now you should have a list of everyone on the network. It may take some time though. You can right-click on any one computer and find out its name.
Now we are going to do an ARP poison ! What this means is that you fool the router in thinking that you are the victim, and you fool the victim in thinking that you are the router.
So initially victim -> router -> facebook. Now after ARP poison, victim->hacker->router. This is called an MITM(Man in the middle) attack.You can google it for more info
Doing the ARP POISON:
- First Click the APR tab below in cain.
- Click the white screen in the top frame
- Click the blue plus on top.

Now you should get a list of all the devices on the left and a blank screen on the right..
In the left screen you should select the router IP. And in the right box, select the computers you want to target. To be safe its better to target one computer. But if you want some real fun then select all the computers on the right frame. Press ok.
WARNING: If there is a person at the router, he can know if you have just done an ARP poison.
In the top frame all the computer list should have got filled. now select the whole list and click on the nuclear button (top left of cain).

Thats it you are done with the arp poison.
Note>>Just be careful, if you select too many computers, your computer cant handle the traffic and the network may just crash.
- Open up wireshark and Goto capture >> Interfaces in the top menu and select your interface. It’s usually the one which has an IP address and a certain number of packets flowing through it.
- Next goto capture and click on start.. It should look something like this

This window has all the packets sent from the victim’s/victims’ computer to the router and all the packets sent from the router to the victim.
3.Next in the filter type “http.cookie contains datr”. You ask why? Because, when a user logs in to facebook, he is given some cookies which is unique to him. If we replace our cookies with the victim’s cookies, we can login to his account as then facebook wont know the difference.

4.You now have the cookies. To get the information stored in the cookies, right-click on any one of the cookie and click on Follow TCP stream.

In the TCP stream look for the line Cookie: ( and all cookie names). If it doesn’t come, select some other packet in wireshark and click on follow tcp stream for that. You can see the source IP and destination IP in wireshark. So if you have more than one source IP , then you know you have the cookies of more than one account on your LAN. This is what I got when I did it.

So now you have it :D. The datr cookie, c_user cookie, lu cookie, sct cookie, w cookie and xs cookie. These are the main cookies you need.
Now open firefox and goto Once there, click on cookies in the web developer add on which you had installed in the last post. Then do the following
· Clear session cookies
· Delete domain cookies
· Delete path cookies.

IMPORTANT: Once you do this, again type in the URL and click enter. Basically you are reloading facebook after deleting all cookies.
Now login to your account with your username and password. After logging in , click on cookies in web developer add-on and click on “view cookie information”.
And there you have all your cookies :p. Now what to do?! I guess you know it by now. !
Click on “edit cookie” for each cookie there and replace the cookie value with the value you got through wireshark.
If you did not get all the cookies in wireshark its OK! But mainly, you should look to replace the datr cookie, c_user cookie, lu cookie, sct cookie, w cookie and xs cookie.

After replacing all the cookie values with the ones you got in wireshark, just refresh the facebook page. And thats it! You are in to the victim’s account! You have HACKED a facebook account on LAN
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