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How to block your friends sim card no software required?

This trick is really funny, i never think about that i will share such type of trick. But when i saw many request in facebook to unlock their Block sim card,  i just thought reverse instead of help them. Now i m going to make with your friends. This is really simple but irritating trick. I promise your friends will kick your ass if your can't fix their sim further.
Ok how this trick you have to just type few number in their phone and make a call.Boom their sim will no work further.


Few codes.
And your stupid friends.

I m going to leave on you how you will convince them to Type code on their phone ;)

Block sim card in one minute 

 Follow my simple step:

● First Of All Take Your friend's Mobile In Your Hand.
● Then Dial This No.  on his mobile -**04*3814*7529*68243#
That's all, time to capture his expression on your camera.   

Note - This Problem Can Solve With. PUKCODE

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